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UXPressia 2021 CJM Report, a sneak peek Ft. Yuri Vedenin

UXPressia 2021 CJM Report, a sneak peek Ft. Yuri Vedenin

The UXPressia team describes themselves as – “…the future of Customer and User Experience Management. An online platform to create, manage, share and deliver Customer Journey Maps, Personas and Impact Maps in mere minutes.” They support and train customers across the globe which have given them a unique perspective on how organisations implement and use customer journey mapping. Some of these insights form part of a report due in March 2021. Join me as we take a sneak peek into what you can expect from the report with the founder of UXPressia Yuri Vedenin.

We touched on:

– How people approach Customer Journey Mapping taking organisation scope, size and sector into consideration
– How professional collaborate and engage with others depending on the Project lifecycle within these organisations.

Like Yuri mentioned

– What you can do
1. Sign up to our blog (the research report would be posted there) https://uxpressia.com/blog
2. Join UXPressia User Research Group https://uxpressia.com/user-research
3. Ping Yuri and let’s discuss any ideas or questions you have about that (https://www.linkedin.com/in/yurivedenin/)

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