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Giving the gift of accountability
22 June 2018

Giving the gift of accountability

Giving the gift of accountability

A friend returned from Mexico recently. She thought it would bear the fruits of a burgeoning business relationship. It became complicated.

We met a few days after her return, the same day I set a professional life-change of my own in motion. Our post-trip reunion began with a gift. She handed me a souvenir, a handpainted amulet. A kind, generous and unexpected act.

The work you do should also be a gift. The gift of doing, creating, being thoughtful, selfless and attentive. Give without expecting reciprocation. The ‘factory’ was dimming my beliefs and the brightness of my contribution. The advancing shadows threatening my confidence, instilling a deep-seated fear of the unknown.

Who’s fault is it if you’re unable to give gifts? I have not finished the story of my friends trip. She did not allow her disappointment to cast a shadow over her venture. Even there, in the unknown an alternative opportunity presented itself. A chance to give the gift of her work. She reframed the situation, banishing the shadow by forging bonds and new opportunities.

Change has to come from within. Being accountable allows you to be in control. The amulet. Her token of friendship has become a symbol. An eternal reminder of new a beginnings, of being responsible and giving generous gifts.


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