
03-686, Poland

8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

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#450 My first business F’up, a story about SAPaintball.co.za

#450 My first business F’up, a story about SAPaintball.co.za

Weenerdawg launched SAPaintball.co.za ([S]outh [A]frican Paintball.co.za), a digital community portal 20 years ago. He is now a strategy consultant and held marketing and technology-related roles. Reflecting on the success of SAPaintball.co.za, and the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, he realises how lucky he was. He says it’s essential to start early when it comes to establishing your brand—Building and shaping it with intent by engaging with your customers.

You can find me, Werner Puchert, on LinkedIn and Twitter.

