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The Circular Economy Pattern Cards: Exploring models & ideas friendly to our Environment
4 October 2021

The Circular Economy Pattern Cards: Exploring models & ideas friendly to our Environment

Unlocking Sustainable Innovation: A Deep Dive into Circular Economy Pattern Cards

Hello, creative thinkers and sustainability enthusiasts! I’m Van, a creative entrepreneur deeply invested in turning complex world problems into fascinating design challenges. Today, I’m thrilled to take you through an exploration of a tool that’s not only innovative but also a cornerstone for sustainable design practices: the Circular Economy Pattern Cards developed by the BMR lab.

The concept of a circular economy might be familiar to some of you, but for the uninitiated, it’s a transformative approach to economic activity that benefits businesses, society, and the environment. Unlike the traditional linear economy which follows a ‘take-make-dispose’ pattern, a circular economy is regenerative by design and aims to gradually decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources.

My journey with the Circular Economy Pattern Cards began as a curiosity but quickly turned into an essential element of my toolkit. This deck, with its 40 well-structured cards, offers a tangible way to visualize and implement the principles of the circular economy. Each card dives into strategies such as ‘Close the Loop’, ‘Improve the Loop’, ‘Monetize the Loop’, and ‘Excite the Loop’, presenting actionable insights for extending product life cycles, enhancing sustainability, and even overhauling business models.

For instance, the ‘Close the Loop’ cards focus on recycling and reuse, prompting you to think about how products can be designed to be more durable or refurbishable. ‘Improve the Loop’ encourages designing for longevity, while ‘Monetize the Loop’ explores innovative business models like subscription services or performance-based contracting. Lastly, ‘Excite the Loop’ introduces concepts that engage customers in sustainable practices through incentives and engaging experiences.

The cards themselves are a pleasure to use. Not only are they made from environmentally responsible materials, but they also come with a concise guidebook that helps you navigate the complexities of circular design. Each card is categorized and accompanied by real-world examples from companies that have successfully adopted these practices, like TerraCycle’s efforts in product reuse or Nike Air’s initiatives in reforestation.

Utilizing these cards in workshops or brainstorming sessions can dramatically enhance creativity. By presenting a physical, tangible element to the abstract ideas of sustainability, they serve as excellent prompts that inspire and refine your thinking.

For those of you eager to delve deeper into sustainable design, or perhaps integrate circular economy principles into your projects, these pattern cards are an invaluable resource. You can find them available on Amazon, and I highly recommend checking out the additional resources provided by BMR lab online.

As we continue to explore and push the boundaries of what’s possible in design and sustainability, tools like the Circular Economy Pattern Cards are crucial in our toolkit. They not only guide our thinking but also challenge us to innovate and think outside the box—literally!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on circular economy and how you might use these cards in your own projects. Share your insights, and let’s spark a discussion on crafting a more sustainable future together. As always, catch you in the comments below, and let’s keep the ideas flowing!

View the Circular Economy Pattern Cards on Amazon

Feel free to explore more about BMR lab and their resources here.

I look forward to your thoughts and discussions as we dive deeper into sustainable practices and innovative solutions in our next updates!

We can’t all escape our beloved blue planet, and it’s therefore critical that we start thinking about our products and services in the context of the circular economy.

A shift to circular economic practices has the potential to improve all areas of our lives. Not only will the environment be better off, but also our health, social relationships, and even our business opportunities. With tools like the BMI Lab’s Circular Economy Pattern Cards exploring models and ideas that are friendly towards our home and make business sense becomes a little more accessible.

The Cards describe 40 potential circular economy patterns along with 80 case studies.
Designers and entrepreneurs can use the Circular Economy Pattern Cards to explore circular economy models and ideas and make more sustainable choices when it comes to their products and services. The cards are a simple yet effective tool for illustrating the benefits of circular economy design with several examples that will help you understand how to think about your business in terms of the environment.

Check out the cards and the methodology here:

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