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The Circular Economy Pattern Cards: Exploring models & ideas friendly to our Environment
4 October 2021

The Circular Economy Pattern Cards: Exploring models & ideas friendly to our Environment

We can’t all escape our beloved blue planet, and it’s therefore critical that we start thinking about our products and services in the context of the circular economy.

A shift to circular economic practices has the potential to improve all areas of our lives. Not only will the environment be better off, but also our health, social relationships, and even our business opportunities. With tools like the BMI Lab’s Circular Economy Pattern Cards exploring models and ideas that are friendly towards our home and make business sense becomes a little more accessible.

The Cards describe 40 potential circular economy patterns along with 80 case studies.
Designers and entrepreneurs can use the Circular Economy Pattern Cards to explore circular economy models and ideas and make more sustainable choices when it comes to their products and services. The cards are a simple yet effective tool for illustrating the benefits of circular economy design with several examples that will help you understand how to think about your business in terms of the environment.

Check out the cards and the methodology here:

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