
03-686, Poland


8008, Switzerland

8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Monday to Friday

Using the experiential benefits of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to slow the Design Thinking process

Using the experiential benefits of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to slow the Design Thinking process

Premise: Using the experiential benefits of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to slow the Desing process down when it’s needed.

You have several design tools and approaches in your toolbelt — with Lego Serious Play as your absolute favourite of course! It is tempting to use the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method to simulate other design tools. I use the “Event Design Process”, a method loosely based on Design Thinking to discuss where, and how I use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to compliment my work.

I recorded this as part of the LSP Connect Live event (June 2020) where I was once of the speakers. Keep an eye on https://www.lspconnect.events/ for their upcoming events – highly recommended.

