
03-686, Poland


8008, Switzerland

8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Monday to Friday

35: In the business of product (Feat. Maciej Saganowski)
15 April 2019

35: In the business of product (Feat. Maciej Saganowski)

Maciej Saganowski is the mastermind behind Ultimo Studio a boutique consultancy located in the North of Poland. His experience in Sales and Marketing has given him a strong business understanding which he believes will be a crucial skill as designers move from general UX roles into Product Design and Development. Maciej is also the founder of Product Camp, a popular annual event and platform where he brings professionals from the industry together to share and debate the future.


Please connect with me, Werner on GoodReads Or Twitter (@weenerdawg) Or check out all the past episode at www.blocthinking.com OR if you’re keen to chat more.

